Years ago, we walked a beach
Picked our way across the sand.
Driftwood lay scattered all about
From waves heaving on the land.
The wind blew strong, the waves stretched high,
The skies were bleak and gray.
The ocean laughingly fought the shore,
Mocking our mortal way.
But I trod the beach without a fear;
Though my lover and I walked slow,
We had the courage that only we,
The young and strong could know.
Then I saw them, dancing past,
A flash of grays in green,
They streaked before us, racing fast,
Five dolphins on the wing.
We watched our dog, a red flag flying,
A flash of Brandy across the sand,
He streaked before us, racing past,
Wanting dolphins on the land.
We glanced at each other, then back again,
To the storm-tossed, crashing sea.
We’d braved the winds and cloudy skies,
For the best in life is free.