Joyous poetry about a canine circle of life.

Dancing Paws
By Anne Marie Duquette
Dancing Paws, Laughing Paws, Prancing, Singing Happy Paws
Puppy Paws that sway and slip.
Fluffy bundles that wobble and trip.
On their way to you to sniff.
Dancing Paws, Laughing Paws, Prancing, Singing Happy Paws
Growing paws that now can walk
Without a bruise, without a flop.
At your side they love to stop.
Dancing Paws, Laughing Paws, Prancing, Singing Happy Paws
Full-size paws that now can be
A joyful friend, no more puppy.
A laughing lolling tongue you see.
Dancing Paws, Laughing Paws, Prancing, Singing Happy Paws
Their magic dead, the dance has ended, you’re silent to the core.
The limp paws on the metal table will never move once more.
All your tears can’t bring them back, those furry, lifeless four.
No Dancing Paws, no Laughing Paws,
It all will now depart.
The bliss is gone, the music stilled,
And love has cracked your heart.
The partner in your dance of joy has left you all alone.
All that’s left is an empty bowl and that favorite chewy bone.
Ghostly Paws
Waltz in your dreams,
At least the dreams are good.
But they fade in the light of day
You’d keep them if you could.
Then it happens–the loneliness finally
Demands another dance.
And despite your dark and much cracked heart,
It suddenly wants to prance.
Dancing Paws, Laughing Paws, Prancing, Singing Happy Paws
The grief is there but you must care for the new one who does live.
Those puppy paws and cute little claws need all that you can give.
You never thought you’d feel it, but you’re really glad he came.
The Dance will now begin again
But never be the same.